Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rare G1 Transformer Electronic Helmet - Speak like Optimus

Well for all you Transformer G1 collectors out there, here it is the extremely rare G1 Transformers Electronic Helmet, voice changer. I have found nothing with regards to this elusive vintage toy. There seems to be none of them on Ebay when I check and just a few forums have even mentioned it.

The one you’re looking at does work, I tested the toy, it was not made for adults, and the helmet is definitely for a child. This one is in the box with instructions, on/off led light, voice changer and voice amplifier. Not quite as good as the new ones in the toy market but it’s from the 80’s. It’s made a thin plastic with foam pads on the inside. There is a wire that runs from the front of the toy up to the top of the helmet where the voice changer is. If this toys was released in large quantities I would see more of them which leads me to believe it came out towards the end of the run and was not a durable toy so many would not have survived. This is all I have on the toy right now, if you have more info, great. Happy Hunting!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Yard Sale Season has begun, wonder if I can find gas cheap for a $1

The weather has broken and it’s yard sale season, my favorite time of the year. The economy, the government mess, overseas fighting is all going to contribute to this year’s season. With gas at an all-time high, how can anyone drive to all the yard sales in your area? If it cost me more to drive around looking for those treasures, which are few and far between, how can it be worth my while? Yard sales are a compulsive disorder and I’m sure everyone will agree. You need that Saturday morning fix.

However will this economy also bring to the surface some treasures that people need to get rid of for cash? It’s too early to tell but just from seeing a few yard sales last weekend there seems to be a lot of people clearing out homes. The foreclosure industry seems busy cleaning out homes that in-turn end up in box lots at flea markets. If I could I would purchase a scooter to zip around all the yard sales but I don’t think the police will enjoy seeing me with a large corner cabinet strapped to my back driving down the street?

Happy Hunting

Friday, January 14, 2011

Family Games

Recently I have started to play some of the family games in stores. Apple to Apples is a really fun game for families to play together. The object of the game to choose a card in your hand that you personally feel is the closest representation to the word that is displayed on the table. Then one person must choose from all the cards which one he or she feels is the right word. This game is tons of fun with some really funny answers to the word.

Another one we are playing right now is Catch Phrase. 2 teams work to guess the word given by clues from one team member and once they solve the clues, pass the game to the other team in the hopes the timer runs out before they can guess. The game is fast and very fun with large groups.

That's it for now, get back to the kitchen table and play these games with your family.